Am I able to borrow a school laptop in order to do my online class?

Am I able to borrow a school laptop in order to do my online class?


The Libraries have laptops that you may borrow to take an online class or do homework in the library. Please visit our service desks to borrow one.


For long-term laptop loan:

The current HCCC students may qualify for a Chromebook and/or WiFi Hotspot loaner through HCCC. To apply, fill out HCCC Technology Request Form. You will be informed if eligible, then can pick up the Chromebook at a specified time with further instructions.

HCCC Faculty and staff who are interested in borrowing a laptop can request one via HCCC ITS Faculty/Staff Laptop Loan Request.


  • Last Updated Oct 10, 2022
  • Views 455
  • Answered By Jing Yang

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